Movement is the basis of our lived experience, in life as well as in art. Laban/Bartenieff and Somatic Studies International™ (LSSI) programs and classes are designed to refine participants’ experiential knowledge of embodied consciousness.

Movement Analysis

Janet Kaylo founded LSSI in a commitment to promote somatic approaches in movement research, dance training, dance therapy and other applications. LSSI serves as the standardizing and presenting body for 500-hour Certification Programs in Movement Analysis and Somatic Practice.

LSSI programs and workshops place somatic processing at the core of the learning experience. Experiential and practical work supports profound development of psychophysical awareness and opportunities for re-patterning through movement-based experience. The learning and teaching framework promotes one’s sense of embodiment through providing an environment conducive to focus on the body as a “subjective process of lived consciousness”.

LSSI page or MA page

Our Certification Program maintains the high standards of an Approved Training Program of the International Somatic Movement Education and Therapy Association (ISMETA). Graduates meet all requirements to register as Somatic Movement Educators and Therapists.


Learn more about our upcoming Certification Program